{ maxbo.net }
Programming projects, techy things and general computer ramblings
Best New Features in ECMAScript 6
17/04/2016 11:58
ECMAScript (the language that JavaScript is based on) is currently undergoing its first major upgrade since 2009. Here's an overview of the most important changes coming in ECMAScript 6... As decided by... well... me.
Subdomain that points to a dynamic IP address without dynamic DNS
27/07/2015 23:28
Have you ever wanted to host a website from your home computer behind a dynamic IP with an easily memorable URL? If so then here's a guide that will let you do so. The only requirement is that you have full access to a publicly accessible web server somewhere else to redirect from.
Masonry Layout with Pure CSS
28/03/2015 16:43
When making this site I wanted to implement a responsive masonry layout but found Desandro's plugin to be a little finicky to work with. Luckily there is a simple solution using CSS columns that works well as long as you don't need to support IE9.
Video - Let's go fly a drone, up to the highest height!
16/03/2015 16:06
If you're like me you look forward to the day that our world is controlled by our evil drone overlords. Here's a video of me testing out Evil Drone Overloard Mk1.
Batch Image Shrinker Using the TinyPNG API
16/03/2015 13:23
TinyPNG is a great tool for reducing the size of .png and .jpg image files without reducing quality. However the website has the limitation of only processing 20 files at a time and no way to download the files in a batch. I've written a tool that gets around these limitations by using the TinyPNG API to batch process all the images in a directory.
FFT Visualisation with the JavaScript Audio API and <canvas>
This is just a simple tool that allows you to visualise the effect that various types of audio filters have on sound. Just use the controls to change the properties of the filter and you'll see the result in the animation below.